Bee Pollen
Bee pollen Extract. When we think of bees, the first thing that usually comes to mind is honey. But Bee pollen is an amazing super food that’s often overlooked. Produced naturally by bees, it can take a bee an entire month working every day to produce a single teaspoon. During the natural pollination process a bee lands on a flower. Pollen from the flower sticks to the bee’s body. When the bee flies to another flower it uses its hind legs to wipe the pollen from its body and pollinates the flower. The bee then brings the remaining pollen back to the hive and deposits it into the appropriate cell. In the hive, Bee Pollen Extract is the food for young bees to give them the important nourishment that they need.
Nature’s Answer Bee Pollen brings you this superfood packed with important nutrients. It’s rich in amino acids, lipids (triglycerides, phospholipids), vitamins, macro- and micronutrients, flavonoids, and it has more protein than any animal source. Which makes it an outstanding natural energizer to help support healthy energy levels all day long.* And because it’s a liquid it’s absorbed into your system faster.
Nature’s Answer Bee Pollen Extract is holistically balanced®, gluten-free, low alcohol, and you get the assurance of our 45-year reputation of outstanding quality.