Make The Hood Healthy Again
Make The Hood Healthy Again is a holistic wellness manual aimed at Urban America. This book lays out the foundational work for one looking to be healthier spiritually, mentally, and physically. Make The Hood Healthy Again travels back in time to examine the work of our ancestors in order to reconnect us to hundreds of thousands of years of knowledge of astronomy, astrology, quantum mechanics, biology, alchemy, chemistry, nutrition, and more as it relates to us being healthy beings.
Asa Lockett is a holistic health coach from Detroit, Michigan. Asa works to empower the original people of the planet earth with the tools necessary to regenerate their bodies and minds back into optimal conditions. The goal for each individual is simply the cultivation of the best possible version of them. Asa specializes in redirecting the physical body back in tune with the natural rhythms of the earth's electromagnetic field.
Raphael "Rafa" Wright is a social entrepreneur, and urban gardener from Detroit, Michigan. Rafa is opening Neighborhood Grocery soon in Detroit, a small-format, equity-crowdfunded, and worker-owned grocery store located in the inner city. Along with Neighborhood Grocery, Wright is the co-founder of Deeply Rooted Garden, a 1/2 acre urban garden which grows and sells thousands of pounds of organic fruits and vegetables in Metro Detroit.